New URL for LMA Designs

LMA Designs Boutique has a new web home at!

Lia M. Andreotta

7/13/20231 min read

teardrop shape amethyst stone
teardrop shape amethyst stone

Welcome to the new home of LMA Designs!

I decided to start fresh and make a whole new website while since switching hosting providers. It seems that I will have much more freedom with this site, and more importantly, way more technical support. I am so happy to be debuting this new website & hope that you will enjoy it as well. I will be posting a list of upcoming events I will be setting up at and even more exciting, the details of my brand new studio space when it is open to the public!

I cannot wait to share the studio with you all. I will be debuting art therapy based art classes & classes/workshops for all ages and abilities in this new space, a fact I am very excited about!

Keep Shinin'
